Monday, 31 October 2016

Micro Operation

Take one classic Operation game and connect a BBC micro:bit to it, what could be more fun.  Having seen a similar project I thought I would have a go myself, so I had a quick browse on eBay and found one cheap. 

A few days later the game turned up and it appeared to be in good condition.  I removed the existing black box containing the electronics, the batteries had corroded but luckily only the battery connections had been damaged. I took everything out and connected some new wires to the tweezers and connection to the metal plate.  I also replaced the existing LED.

Existing electronics, somewhat crusty.

Existing electronics removed and new wires connected.

I connected the new wires up to the GPIO pins on the BBC micro:bit and tried out the awesome code written by David Whale.  I used my new Proto-pic exhi:bit Prototyping system for micro:bit but the Kitronik prototyping system would work just as well.  The game was fun to play and had some awesome animations. After 3 operations, if you are successful in the operation time limit, the man jumps out of the bed and walks away.

BBC micro:bit Edge Connector 
Operation game connections
P0 pin
Tweezers, active high
P1 pin
Nose LED via series resistor
P2 pin
Speaker, other pin to GND
Internal metal plate

You will need:
1 x Operation game
1 x BBC Micro:bit
1 x 5mm Red LED
1 x Suitable resistor for your LED (I used a 47)
Connecting wires
1 x speaker or piezo

The code was written by David Whale and can be found below.

A simple version of the game can be found  here  

Full version of the game can be found  here