I recently
backed Alex Eames (@RasPiTV)
campaign for a RasPiO Pro Hat which is a small add-on board for the Raspberry
Pi and is designed to protect and put your GPIO ports in numerical order. The Kickstarter campaign
has been successfully funded so boards are starting to be shipped out, mine landed on the doormat the other day.
The RasPiO®1 Pro Hat has the GPIO pins connected
via a protection circuit to female headers but is also broken out to
un-protected connections. There is a small breadboard for prototyping circuits. The PCB is very nicely made and is complete
with gold and white silkscreen text.
I tried out my board using the included RGB LED and a simple GPIOZero
Python script. There is well written manual which contains some structured
experiments for the included components.
Overall I very impressed with this great little add-on for the Raspberry
Pi, if you want one for yourself then
you can find out more on the RasPiO website.